In the Chespa Group the production and trade of products for the printing industry are carried out in compliance with the requirements of environmental protection.
The main objectives of the Chespa Group’s activities in the area of environmental protection are:
- Production and delivery of environmentally friendly products of the quality meeting requirements and expectations of our current and potential customers.
- Systematic reduction of the harmful impact of our activities on the environment, taking as a starting point the applicable laws and regulations.
Environmental policy is implemented through:
- improvement of technological processes through use of the most modern equipment and continuous modernization of facilities, to improve product quality and reduce environmental impact of our production on the environment,
- being guided by the ecological criteria during the implementation of new products and upgrade of the current ones,
- raising employees’ environmental awareness through systematic training according to the needs of the Environmental Management System,
- preventing pollution, reducing the negative impact of the activities on the environment,
- rational use of energy, fuel and environmentally friendly materials in the production processes,
- selective collection, storage and minimizing the amount of waste and forwarding them to specialized and authorized external entities,
- maintenance and continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System according to PN– EN ISO 14001:2015.
These obligations are carried out by all employees and the management of Chespa Group.
Review of the document was made on 03.01.2018